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About the Writer:
Sharon Dunn

Authentic before God, her family and her friends, Sharon unfolds her love for Jesus in all she does. As a faithful prayer warrior, she ours her heart into all she does. Her writings reflect the many ways she explores God's faithfulness, His Promises and His Purposes through scripture. Her hope is in the Lord.


Fill My Cup

By Sharon Dunn

It was a muggy morning, cloudy and very dry. Just exactly the way I felt due to stress and concerns for family members and their situation, longing to fix everyone’s problems.

Ahh, a massage would be great. Escaping from my own mind would be great. Is that what they call, “losing your mind?” Do you get the picture of my condition by now?

As I started my usual devotion I felt more like crying and that’s just what I did. I cried out to the Lord. “Lord, I need help!”

Immediately the song, “Fill My Cup Lord,” came to mind. I began to sing it through. “Like the woman at the well I was thirsting for things that could not satisfy, and then I heard my Savior speaking, draw from the well that never will run dry.”

It began as a trickle way down in my soul as I remembered the Biblical account of the woman the song was written about in John chapter 4.

She was dry, searching for a drink. She knew not from what or where. She had tried to find the answer to her thirst. Then, there was Jesus, right before her, providing exactly what she was looking for, Living Water. Just like today, Jesus was right before me providing the filling I needed. My cup was dry.

It happens so subtly. The danger comes when we look to other sources for our needs. It seems so logical and natural. Beware of that old natural man! He has all the solutions to empty your cup and dry up your soul.

John 7:38 says, “Whoever believes In Christ, streams of living water will flow from him.” His Holy Spirit bubbles up in our soul, cleansing, refreshing, strengthening!

Psalm 36:9 calls it the Fountain of Life, Isn’t everyone looking for that? We must use the tap of our tongue to share with them the source.

One day I stumbled across Isaiah 58:11. The part about strengthening your frame caught my attention. I knew people who physically need that. So, I began to research the whole chapter.

As with everything there is cause and effect. Verses 6-10 show the requirements for the desired results.

Wow, are you seeing it? Seems to me He is saying we must give to others, do for others then call upon God and the Lord will answer and say, “Here am I.”

Then in verse 11 is our answer, our filling, our refreshing. Can’t you just feel the fresh flowing of the Spirit? He promises to satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land, strengthen your frame and you will be like a well watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail Praise you Lord, Jesus!!

There is no need to ever go thirsty. Proverbs 4:23 tells us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life.” Chapter 10:11a says, “The mouth of the righteous is the fountain of life...”

Did I say I had an empty cup, a dry soul? Now I feel the Spirit moving in my soul and my cup is running over. So my next move is get to those prayer requests, listen for God’s leading today and turn those family situations over to the real power!

Do you need a drink? Go to the well - John 4:13. Just keep on drinking yourself right into eternal life.


Copyright © September 6, 2006 – Sharon Dunn. All rights reserved.

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