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About the Writer:

With a genuine servant's heart, a gift for words and for being a grandma, Kim shares the valuable lessons and her insights in her writing. God has taught her much as a mother of two: a grown son and a son in highschool. Her life experiences and faith through trials encourage us all to expect God to Comfort and Heal.


The Blessing of Infertility

By Kim Pitman

I can hear what you’re thinking. How can infertility be a blessing? I can assure you that when I was in the middle of struggling to have a child I couldn’t see the blessings either. But even before I was able to get pregnant I began to see how the Lord was blessing me through my infertility.

My story is a long one. I was married when I was 19 and we decided not to wait to have a baby. The first month went by and then the second. Before we knew it 6 months and then a year had gone by with no pregnancy. I checked with my doctor. He suggested a few things like taking my temperature every day and watching for it to indicate that I had ovulated and charting it to see if I was ovulating. We did that for a while and then, wow, it had been two years that we had been trying.

Finally we were referred to an infertility doctor. We had some tests run but then didn’t show anything in particular. So we kept on doing the temperature thing. After about a year he prescribed some pills. Not for me but for my husband. He took them for a while. And lo and behold, in the midst of a move from Oklahoma to Missouri I got pregnant!

Kent Michael Pitman was born on August 10, 1978. He weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces and was 21 inches long. We were so thrilled to finally be parents! So as we became acclimated to being parents we knew that we wanted to be parents again and so did nothing to prevent another pregnancy.

When Kent was about 2 years old we realized that we weren’t going to get pregnant again on our own. We began the many trips to the doctors, the many tests and treatments and surgeries and yet nothing seemed to work. We got active in our church working with the children. And we began to see that while we might not have a large biological family we had a huge family of “adopted” kids that we could pour our lives into. So God had blessed us with a large family just not in the way we had thought it would be.

However, we continued our quest to have another child. We were beginning to accept and appreciate our “adopted” kids when we met with an infertility doctor who was willing to try one more way for us to get pregnant. It worked and we welcomed Drew Earnest Pitman on October 5, 1988. He weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Since his birth my husband and I have divorced but I still consider the children that I lead in children’s choir or occasionally teach in Sunday school my kids. I pray for them and am concerned for them just like my own. I also have two granddaughters and a daughter-in-law that are my children.

The blessing of infertility is that I believe I appreciate my two sons, daughter-in-law, and granddaughters possibly a little more than people who become pregnant easily. The Lord also taught me that I could have as many children as I was willing to pour my life into. So if you are having trouble getting pregnant, don’t just focus on the struggle but find another child or children to love and as you obey the Lord He will answer the prayers of your heart.


Copyright © December 7, 2005 – Kim Pitman. All rights reserved.


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